Category Interesting research

Farmor var klimatsmart

Intressant – kolla hur du klarar detta test! På nåt sätt är det litet kul att det vi efterkrigsbarn i Finland lärde oss hemifrån – “Kasta inte gårdagens mat” och “Man tager vad man haver” – inställningen istället för att följa receptet man hittar i tidningen till punkt och pricka – verkligen är ett klimatsmart […]

Nu kom algerna och ångesten!

När vi lägger ut från bryggan och styr kosan mot ön ser jag att de har kommit – de algerna – bland dem troligen också de blågröna algerna. En än så länge tunn matta har lagt sig i viken. De ligger och skvalpar vid vår brygga, vid klipporna och på sandstranden som jag just anlagt för […]

Why aren’t americans reacting, or are they?

I follow the news and find myself (and Jonathan) watching more political TV shows and news programs than ever before. For some reason we need to follow the daily political madness in the US – and suffer while we do. We did not spend as much time in front of the TV (or computer) screen […]

Transparent solar panels!

We are designing our greenhouse or porch which we will build partly from old windows. A solar panel roof seems smart but until today neither of us have ever seen transparent solar panels. After searching for images on the internet I found this amazing panel!  We might not be able to use these in our […]

Creative spIN

I want to reblog this inspiring site! Creative SpIN will set tools and methods to trigger creativity and innovation in businesses and other kinds of public and private organisations by encouraging artists, creative professionals (in advertising, design, architecture), cultural institutions and industries to engage with other sectors to share their competencies and skills. Significance of […]

RUGGEDISED – a smart city project

Inspiring!  Six European cities are taking an interconnected approach in applying smart city solutions as part of the Horizon 2020 funded RUGGEDISED project. This is an example of how cities, businesses and citizens are working together to accelerate and build up smart urban settings. Umeå in northers Sweden is one of the cities.  

The Jam & Justice project

Mapping Participatory Urban Governance The Jam & Justice project are producing a map of Participatory Urban Governance. Drawing from across the Global South & North, we are looking to produce a collection of inspiring, workable, and actually existing examples of how citizens can be involved in decisions, processes and structures that affect them. The previous […]

The City at Eye Level

The City at Eye Level Film contributes to the book and contains 4 chapters about how a good plinth “works” for a better street at eye level. Both the book and the film contain concrete and inspiring examples of strategies for design, land use/programme, placemaking, the relation to the street, pedestrian flows, co-creation, and the […]

None of the world’s top industries would be profitable if they paid for the natural capital they use

A very interesting article in Grist and a very disturbing subject. The notion of “externalities” has become familiar in environmental circles. It refers to costs imposed by businesses that are not paid for by those businesses. For instance, industrial processes can put pollutants in the air that increase public health costs, but the public, not […]

Att tala om kapitalismens vansinne är inte pop!

Det har vi också märkt när vi skapar online communityn och plattformen för hållbart resande TravelFor som vi skapar genom frivilligt arbete och med tanken att den ska fortsätta som ett icke-vinstdrivande projekt. Det verkar vara svårt för en del att förstå att man inte skulle vilja sträva efter att bli miljonär och utsugare bara för att […]